Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rounded Corners

Throughout the lifecycle of several projects, many were brainstorms of much larger projects of which seemed unimaginable. The rush to dive into the development of these games, seized the potential from these projects because neither creator nor artisans of the trade properly planned each step. This caused previous projects to crawl to a halt, which ends now.

Several project members have left the team, and in-turn a new project (or phoenix) is born once again. There will be public alphas, video updates, and additional stages that will give the public the chance for feedback. The new game in development is called "Dungeon Painter 3D".

The concept is simple: give a player paintbrush that will draw dungeons, cities, and dangers. What type of world would they create, and how detailed would their worlds be? The project will allow each user to collaborate by building their own realms, forming adventures for other players through the"Dungeon Painter 3D" tool set.

These semi-transparent blobs are actually the beginnings for one of the first dungeons created with this real-time paint tool.

Progress so far:
- Core algorithms
- Basic Dungeon models

Up next... textures, stalagmites, and treasure!

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